Common causes for uploads failures in the browser

These are some of common causes and solutions for upload failures in the browser when using filespin.min.js as detailed here

Upload failed because:

  1. There is no internet!
  2. You loaded the html file using file:// protocol in the web browser by opening via your file system instead of http://
  3. You provided incorrect uploadKey when initialising the Picker
  4. Your account settings do not allow uploads from the domain you are uploading from

Developer Tip:

To test uploads from your computer, you must load the picker via http protocol in a browser. Here's how you can do that if you have python installed in your computer.

  1. Place the index.html containing the picker embed code in a folder and start a web server from within that folder using python
  2. Change to the folder above and from command line, run: python -m http.server
  3. Visit http://localhost:8000

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