All new File Picker is here!


We have been busy this year working to solve your biggest problems in sourcing, managing and delivering content! We added a whole set of new features and updates that we hope will simplify your business even more. In the coming weeks, I hope to share all the great new features and updates with you .

Today, let's begin with our new File Picker - re-designed, refined and ready to serve you!

The new and much improved File Picker

The new and much improved File Picker that is now  internationalised for European, Chinese and Japanese languages.

The easiest way to explain is to show you how it works. Click on the links below to see internationalisation in action. While there go ahead and test file uploads too!

Click to open File Picker in Chinese!

Click to open File Picker in French!

and the default, File Picker in English!

When users open the Picker, it will automatically display dialog in their native language based on their Web Browser's language. You can override this behaviour and set a language for the dialog too.

Picker API

Besides this, the Picker has a great set of javascript APIs to give you complete control over the user experience -- your can show, hide, reset and do much more with the javascript API

Replacing files using File Picker

Have you wondered whether you can use the File Picker to replace an existing file that was uploaded earlier by a user? Now, you can allow a user to replace a previously uploaded file using the  File Picker Replace Mode.

How to migrate from old File Picker

Migration is easy--just two simple changes to your existing deployment:-

1. Update the script tag to point to

<script type="text/javascript" src="">

2. Update the Picker initialisation to use  FileSpin.initPicker API


That's it! Picker is now ready for users.

Documentation and Support

Click here for completely revised and updated documentation for the new File Picker.

If you need any assistance with using the new Picker, please use the Support button within your Web Dashboard or email us at

Deprecation of old File Picker

Old File Picker is deprecated and will be unavailable from January 1st, 2017. The new Picker is backward compatible with all the features of old Picker so all your existing upload workflows should work as-is with the new Picker. Please upgrade to the new Picker before the end of the year.

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